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  • Writer's pictureRosemarie Mamaligsa

My Journey on Becoming a Virtual Assistant... Is it Worth it?

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

It’s been a very serious decision to make and I need to think many times but as a Nursing Assistant Working in the Hospital for 3 years with a shift of 12 hours a day, low Salary, poor benefits, a Toxic environment, overtime without pays and tiring workload that's the reason why I came up with my decision to leave and resign with my previous job. I felt that I am exhausted.
Entering the world of Freelancing is a very difficult situation, especially for a newbie like me, I kept asking myself I don’t know where to start? I don’t know how to start? How can I Survive?
But God as my source of strength I think he leads me to the right path, as I am browsing YouTube Channel about becoming A Virtual Assistant and watching some of the videos my sister Roschel called me and she’s the one who help me and introduce me to the world of freelancing, she helps me to create an account on Upwork and linked in and also give tips, she advised me to enroll at FVA - Business Consultancy as preparation to my journey as a freelancer to know the right skills that fit me and to have more ideas on how to become a Virtual Assistant.
As a student of FVA- Business Consultancy and with Ms. Kathy as my coach I am very excited and nervous at the same time but FVA helps me build my confidence, I learned to focus on things that I have to do, managed my time, set my priorities and goals, and become productive and at the same time enjoy exploring as a freelancer, I learned a lot of different skills and niche, I even created my first branding RJ VIRTUAL CREATIVES and website where I can offer my services as well, the things that I am worrying totally washout because I am confident that I have the weapon to succeed in this journey.
So Answering the question for myself if it’s worth it? I am saying yes, I am now living in a world where I can be myself, love what I'm doing, and still, can support myself financially soon, of course I know I will be facing a lot of challenges in the future, especially on hunting my first ever client but I'm confident now that I have the skills and I can give my 100% effort and to be the best Virtual Assistant that I want to be thanks to coach Kathy and FVA.
To my fellow newbie who wants to be a successful Virtual Assistant, my advice is to be confident with yourself, have a space for learning, accept many challenges, and believe that hard work pays for success.


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